Historical Yearbook

Historical Yearbook is a scientific journal published since 2004 by the ”Nicolae Iorga” History Institute in Bucharest, of the Romanian Academy. From 2013 onwards the journal is jointly published by the Institute and the Faculty of History and Political Science, ”Ovidius” University of Constanța. Since 2013, Historical Yearbook is indexed in “Central and Eastern European Online Library – CEEOL”. As of 2020, the journal is also indexed in Index Copernicus. Also, starting with the 2022 issue, the journal is indexed in Erih Plus.
For the immediate future, our goal is to provide the journal with the highest degree of academic excellence emphasizing the internationalization of our collaborators and focusing on indexing in recognized databases. Historical Yearbook publishes articles on topics related to political, diplomatic, social, economic and cultural history, history of international relations, evolutions of minority communities, political biographies. All items received in the editorial office will undergo a peer-review procedure.
Historical Yearbook website: https://www.historicalyearbook.ro/